Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Rise Ye, Yeast of the Sun!

I stayed inside for a few days and so got very little sunlight. Honestly I was getting a little grumpy. I walked outside finally, and was absolutely blasted with hard-core Arizona winter sunlight, in a crystal clear sky. So I stood there beside my pickup, absorbing these swarms of molecules, when I noticed some bright ideas, kind of rising into consciousness. Almost like bread will rise in an oven if there is yeast, these days of indoor, bacterial brooding bore fruit in a matter of minutes. What a pleasant surprise!

So I got to thinking about what's up with that spontaneous reaction. Is it just like a recipe? If the ingredients are there, up pop some personalized mental gems?

I think that's a pretty good description of the problem, the affect, the exudance.

I also think the invocation of my biographical time/ solar system interaction is important to consider. I mean, I have a longstanding relationship with that object! The warmth of the sun, when filtered by the earth's atmosphere, can often stand in place of a mother's caress. As a child I recall climbing trees in a forest, absorbing the sunlight. A whole body workout! The sun certainly impinges on the body.

Do we know the word 'cathexis'? Something like internal projections of holistic body energies onto important objects in the world. The mother is primary. But what about the sun? I don't think most people focus on the sun like that, as if this were a longstanding object of cathexis.

I was sleeping in a tent late at night, somewhere near Big Sur, California along Highway 5. There I was, eyes closed in the tent having drifted to sleep for several hours, probably on the tail end of a REM period. Slowly and meditatively, I was kind of scanning the surrounding space -- this kind of routine scanning happens, which is why I think content from the immediate environment does get translated by the REM-state dreamer. So, as I was doing this in the tent, and I found myself effortlessly triangulating the position of the moon, receiving the feel of it's simple presence as an object in consciousness between waking and dreaming. At that very moment, however, there was a shift, a local shift: at the break of dawn, the moon passed the baton of consciousness to the sun. I felt the coming of the dawn with my own biological clock! It was absolutely breathtakingly poignant and the most natural, uncluttered experience of my last 6 years on planet earth.

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